Pottery and Art Lessons Cheltenham | Evening Art Courses Dates 2024 - Drawing | Painting | Pottery | Ceramics

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art lessons Cheltenham
Terms Dates 2025
Art Courses & Classes - Term Dates 2025
Wednesday 26th Feb (5 weeks)
10:00am - 12:30pm Morning session Pottery Introduction to throwing (5 Wks) £175 SPACE
Wednesday 23rd April (5 weeks)
10:00am - 12:30pm Morning session Pottery Introduction to throwing (5 Wks) £175 SPACE
Wednesday 23rd April
1:30pm - 4:00pm Afternoon session Pottery & Ceramics (10 Wks) £250 SPACE
6:30pm - 9:00pm Evening session Pottery & Ceramics (10 Wks) £250 SPACE
Thursday 24th April
10:00am - 12:30pm Sketching   Drawing Course (10 Wks) £180 SPACE
1:30pm - 4:00pm Sketching   Drawing Course (10 Wks) £180 SPACE
Life Drawing Classes
Tuesday 22nd April (10:30am - 12:00pm) £120  (6 Wks) SPACE
Tuesday 6th May (10:30am - 12:00pm)
Tuesday 20th May (10:30am - 12:00pm)
Tuesday 3rd June (10:30am - 12:00pm)
Tuesday 17th June (10:30am - 12:00pm)
Tuesday 1st July (10:30am - 12:00pm)

Wednesday 10:00am - 12:30pm Pottery - Introduction to Throwing

The emphasis of this course we be on learning good technique and practise.

You will use your own wheel to practise centering, as well as throwing different shapes. When your pots are dry enough you will 'turn' and finish your pot.

At the end of the 5 weeks you can choose two pots to be glazed and fired.

Contact Wendy 07742 824 852 to Book a place or discuss the course details

Wednesdays Pottery & Ceramics Classes
Our pottery and ceramic classes provide the opportunity to work and experiment at your own pace, focusing on learning new skills in a relaxed creative enviroment, Offering all the basic building skills, slabbing, coiling, extruding and throwing

The approach is to share knowledge and experience in a simple and open manner, with beginners offered individual support and encouragement

Applying the techniques in practical excercies and projects enables the learner to fully understand the potential of clay in sculptural expression and develope observational skills and a better understanding of three dimensional form.

The sculptural form produced can be fired and decorated using either acrylics or glazes. Alternatively at a more advanced level casting techniques will be introduced to reproduce the sculptural moulds, using plaster, silicone rubber or polyester. From these it will be possible to reproduce the artefact using bronze or metallic filled resins.

Contact Wendy 07742 824 852 to Book a place or discuss the course details


Thursday Sketching & Drawing Course

For the complete beginner the most important aspect offered is individual support throughout the early stages enabling you to build self confidence whilst exploring different mediums and techniques.

For those with some experience individual advice and assistance is provided and the opportunity to work with others in a relaxed and informal environment

Contact Tony 0792 5027587 to Book a place or discuss the course details


Tuesday 10:30am - 12:00pm
Life Drawing Workshop

Please arrive 15 minutes prior ro the stated time above, in order to set up easels and prepare materials prior to model posing.

This is a tutored class open to beginners and the more experienced artist.

You will be sketching the nude model, aiming to explore the human form, its proportion and anatomy.
There will be a mixture of short and longer poses. With tuition, demonstrations and guidance from our resident artist and tutor, Tony Brookes RCA.

Contact Tony 0792 5027587 to Book a place

Life Drawing


©Cheltenham ART 2024 14 Lansdown Crescent Lane, Cheltenham GL50 2LD | Tel: 07742 824 852 | cheltenhamartcraft@gmail.com